Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy San Silvestro & Happy New Year!

I will be spending New Year's Eve (known as San Silvestro) and New Year's Day here in Italy between Abruzzo and Umbria..corporate events to oversee, a special New Year's Eve Cooking Class, dinner party for a corporate group..and hopefully I will still be able to enjoy the New Year. But as long as it is filled with good food and wine..I think I can survive..

If you would like to join me and spend New Year's Italian style, here is a recipe to enjoy and some traditions to follow in your own home.

But for New Year's Eve & Day dontl forget to have lentil soup to bring you good luck for the New Year.

Here is the recipe from last year's post
and other favorite posts with recipes for New Year's can be found here at

Here is wishing you a happy and safe New Year and make this a New Year to share not just with family but with friends and those in need.

Mangia Bene, Vivi Bene,


For more great recipes get your copy of the best selling book The Basic Art of Italian Cooking at

A special thanks to those of you that ordered the book as a Holiday gift! Enjoy