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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Too Busy And Have No Time To Cook?

For most women eating healthy is like an annoying chore that steals their precious time.

But eating healthy doesn’t have to take a lot of time. You can easily prepare healthy meals just as quickly as unhealthy meals.

The key is to plan ahead, have the right foods at your fingertips, and discovering how to quickly cook healthy meals.

If you know any of your friends or coworkers who eat healthfully ask them how they manage to find time to cook healthy meals without it taking up too much time. (I’m sure they'll give you some great tips.

you know that quote "many hands make quick work"? It couldn’t be any more true. That’s why if you live with family members you should get them involved and ask them to help you prepare meals or do other simple tasks that will save you time in the end.

They can also find a cookbook or collect recipes that specialize in time-saving ideas.

And if you really want to spice thins up and have some fun take a cooking class with a friend or husband/boyfriend.

A couple great ethnic dishes are simple and easy to make. Mediterranean, Indian, and Japanese foods are healthy quick and easy to prepare, their also super easy to share among family members or friends.

Here are a few tips for making quick nutritious, healthy meals and snacks:

Buy packaged, pre-washed, ready-to-eat fresh vegetables, such as baby carrots, salad mixes, and chopped or broccoli and cauliflower.

Buy packaged, pre-sliced fruits, such as melons, strawberries or pineapples.

Find recipes using foods that don't require a lot of cleaning and preparation, such as baby carrots, cherry tomatoes, or grapes.

Drink a can of vegetable juice as a snack.

Blend yogurt, fruit juice, and canned or frozen fruit to make a nutrious smoothie for breakfast or a snack.

Use frozen vegetables to make a stir-fry with skinless chicken. Serve on top of a quick brown rice or whole-wheat pasta.

Add frozen vegetables to a jar of marinara spaghetti sauce and serve on whole-wheat pasta.

Cook potatoes or other vegetables in a microwave.

Cook vegetables and fruits over the grill. Drizzle them with olive oil and wrap in aluminum foil. Or put them on a skewer and cook directly on the grill.

Make a fast fruit salad with sliced bananas, apples, blueberries, and a can of mandarin oranges.

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